1st Panzer Division had seized a bridgehead over the Dubyssa at Lydavenai to the north, 36th Motorized Division was also approaching. June 25. Raus planned to divert the attention of Russian KV-1 through a feint attack by 65th Panzer ...
1st Panzer Division had seized a bridgehead over the Dubyssa at Lydavenai to the north, 36th Motorized Division was also approaching. June 25. Raus planned to divert the attention of Russian KV-1 through a feint attack by 65th Panzer ...
1st Panzer Division had seized a bridgehead over the Dubyssa at Lydavenai to the north, 36th Motorized Division was also approaching. June 25. Raus planned to divert the attention of Russian KV-1 through a feint attack by 65th Panzer ...